� << fezmonkey >> �
What, Me Worry?
July 09, 2002 @ 5:25 p.m.

I remember being a little kid watching the news with my parents. The news people kept talking about "Star wars this, star wars that." As a boy growing up in the eighties I'd been exposed to "Star Wars" basically since the point that I was born. I didn't remember characters named Ronald Reagan, and I thought the Evil Empire was called just that, not the Soviet Union. My parents explained to me, as well as can be explained to a six year old that our country had missiles pointed at theirs, and that their country had missiles pointed at ours. Enough to destroy the world. If I wasn't a born worrier, that did it. I worried about nuclear war. But why? I was just a little kid. I had no control over the situation either before or after I learned of its severity.

My life has continued along that path for its entirety. I've always had something to worry about. Large or small, something always demanded my attention. These days the worries aren't about nuclear war, terrorism, global warming. I realize that I have absolutely no control over those things. Why worry?

But one thing that I know that about, but don't fully understand is my ex girlfriend. I constantly worry about what she's doing. Why worry? I have just about as much control over her life as I do over nuclear war. What she does has little to no affect on me. I should be going on just as I do under the threat of terrorist attack; without thinking of it.

But I don't.

Why worry?

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