� << fezmonkey >> �
November 03, 2002 @ 11:56 a.m.

Yesterday was a day jam packed with all kinds of stuff good and bad. Mostly good though. Jason did end up picking me up for work. I worked four and a half hours of overtime. That really helps out in the long run. After work I met Stephanie to see "Igby Goes Down". The line at the theater was really long. There were people with petitions to "kick Enron's thieving butts out of Oregon". The petition was in support of the public takeover of Portland General Electric, an Enron subsidiary. I'm not sure if I'm in support of that or not but I do know that I never sign petitions so I didn't sign that one. There were also two people, a man and a woman asking people for money. They had a sign saying "dying of aids". That made me a little sad because I reacted as I always react to panhandlers, by saying no. I'm not sorry that I didn't give them money. As cold as it sounds, it isn't my responsibility.

The movie was good. Good, not great.

We then went to get drinks nearby where we had a nice conversation, bordering on argument, about my ability to handle the truth about what's going on in her life. I admit that I'm not 100% over her but I maintain that I don't need to be protected from the truth. I don't want or need to know all kinds of details, but I don't want them purposely omitted under the guise of protecting me. So basically that's what that was all about. We got a burrito and then went back to the bar to get more drinks and meet her friend and her friend's girlfriend. Her friend is a recently discovered lesbian. We got a couple of drinks and then went to a lesbian bar/club for dancing. I wound up having quite a good time there. I like to dance but I'm usually exceedingly self concious about it. I wasn't last night. I guess it is because there was absolutely no chance of me having to worry about dancing with/close to anyone. I just danced. A lot. I was super sweaty and I loved it. They played all kinds of music there but I found it odd that they played something like five Ja Rule songs. Stephanie said that they often play Eminem there and the floor gets packed. Go figure.

Stephanie and I talked earlier in the night about our difficulties in the single life. She's been in relationship mode for so long that she isn't sure how to do anything else. That is how I feel too. I get all paranoid about little things because I don't know their implications. The fact is that I'm so far from a relationship that it isn't funny. I feel like I want to be in a relationship. I like to be in a relationship. I don't think the girl that I'm interested in is interested in a relationship. But then again, I'm quite bad at reading her. We went on one date and I was wondering if she even liked me. Then the next time that we saw each other she wanted to have sex with me. So that thing of her rushing off the phone the other night probably isn't anything important. I probably just caught her at a bad time. But leave a situation like that to my brain and I'm in trouble.

I'm like an American film audience. I expect resolution. If I don't get that resolution I'm confused.

I'm waiting for my mom to pick Liz and I up. We are going to lunch. They are going to a play afterward. I'm not sure if I'll join them for the play. I'd like to get my room cleaned. Fat effing chance of that, though.

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Ouch - September 21, 2003
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I Wear My Sunglasses At Night, and Day, and Basically All Times - September 16, 2003
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