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At Long Last...
March 16, 2003 @ 2:59 p.m.

...another entry.

I've been house sitting for my mother for the better part of the past week. I've had internet access which I still don't have at home, and done relatively little with it. That is good as far as my addiction goes but bad because my diary is becoming one of those ones whose most recent entry was three weeks ago and the previous one three weeks before that. It is turning into a diary in which I only write about how long it has been since I last updated. And who wants to read that? Not me. I also don't want to write it. So I guess I won't. Or I'll try not to, at least.

That said, I don't feel a whole lot of inspiration lately. I've been going through the motions as much as at any time in my life. Get up, go to work, go home, go out or stay in. Repeat. Repeat. Work overtime on Saturday, have a day off on Sunday. Blah blah blah.

Here's what I did yesterday, for example: Woke up hungover as I'd gone out for one drink the night before. One turned to a few and after a very light dinner I was quite drunk. I tried to sing "Bust a Move" by Young M.C. at a local bar. I've loved that song for a long time but I guess I never quite realized that I knew only about one tenth of the words. Feeling the drunken eyes struggling to peer at me as I attempt to sing was too much for me. I didn't stop but I may as well have. Oh well. I was signed up to sing "Hot Blooded" but unfortunately that didn't come up. Too bad because that song is at least slow and I would have been able to focus on the words scrolling on the monitors. I would have also had a hip thrust kind of thing going on. It would have been fuckin' sexy. There's always next time.

Work was done in a dazed state. I made sure to drink plenty of water. When I think about it though, I don't really remember working that much even though I was there for almost a full day. I wish work was like that more often.

After work I sat around and watched tv with Stephanie. She was tired as she was one of the people I was with the night before. We ordered a pay per view movie and zoned out for a while. I took her home, came back here and pretty much passed out. I was supposed to go to Andrea's birthday party but I couldn't. I would have been a horrible party guest. A shame because I'd been looking forward to it for a long time. At least since I found out about it a couple of weeks ago. And if I keep not going out with people, they'll just stop inviting me to things. I don't want that. But I also can't go out all the time. I don't have that kind of stamina anymore. Plus, I like to have a clear head now and then.

I took Tally on a really long walk today and went to see "The Hunted" with my dad. I thought the movie was alright. Not bad but not good. I was interested throughout but not that interested. It isn't a movie I would have bothered seeing had it not been shot mostly in Oregon and a lot in Portland. I am a sucker for movies shot here. But I also have a difficult time remembering that movies are fantasy and that when I see a MAX train going over the Hawthorn Bridge, I shouldn't worry too much about it. Or that when a person goes into the Willamette River they would float the opposite way than is depicted in the movie. I'm way too nitpicky. I guess it is good I don't live in LA or New York. I bet that shit happens all the time in movies set in those places.

One of my more favorite impossible things to happen in a movie set in Portland is in "Zero Effect" a character takes a bus to the Vista House in the Columbia Gorge. Way outside the city and way outside the bus zones. I need to remember, locations serve the movie, not the other way around.

Tonight, I'm picking up my mom and Susan at the airport and am going back to my place for good. I'm getting Sydney and we are finally going to live together again. I'm afraid of being a bad pet owner. I hope I'm not. I want my cat to be happy. I'll feel horrible if she isn't.

I'm looking forward to my vacation. Unfortunately, I don't have one any time on the horizon.

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Last Five:
Ouch - September 21, 2003
A Full Day - September 21, 2003
I Wear My Sunglasses At Night, and Day, and Basically All Times - September 16, 2003
An Interview with a Monkey - September 01, 2003
I'm Unbelievably Clever - August 31, 2003
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