� << fezmonkey >> �
Drunks and Skateboards
2002-05-13 @ 8:39 p.m.

I work at a small mom and pop kind of store, it is the main source of entertainment in my life at the moment...not necessarily the main source of activity, just entertaining activity.

For example, last week some guy tried to buy beer from me and produced a DUI citation as proof of age. There were many other people in the store and I tried to be as subtle as possible about not being able to accept that particular piece of pseudo-identification. He became irate and demanded that I call the police to verify his age. He went on and on about his right to receive service. At this point, I got fed up and yelled at him. "It is a drunk driving citation, I can't accept it as identification. Besides, you are a drunk and I don't want to contribute to that." Well, I may not have said that second part, but I feel like I did. All the other people in the store laughed. Maybe that makes us all assholes, Mr. DUI certainly thought I was. He left swearing at me. I laughed more. It still makes me laugh.

Oh yeah, the thing that I meant to write about is my new skateboard. When I was young, I always wanted a skateboard. My mom even took me to this place downtown called "Rebel Skate" or something like that. It was back when skating was more I don't know, hardcore? The logo for the store was a skull with a top hat, that's pretty hard. My mom never bought me a skateboard and I have always thought about it. Last week someone left a skateboard in the store. I had no idea who left it. After more than a week nobody claimed it. Since my childhood dream of being a skateboarding cool person was never achieved, I decided that I would take advantage of a free board. Yesterday was the first day I took out the board. I "skated" up and down the sidewalk in front of my house. I thought that I would be embarrassed, but I wasn't. I also was surprised that some guy actually gave me some pointers and told me to stick with it. Some people are nice. Not me though, I'm a skater, I don't care about anything but phat grinding and ollying (sp?) around town. Skateboarding is not a crime, man!

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Ouch - September 21, 2003
A Full Day - September 21, 2003
I Wear My Sunglasses At Night, and Day, and Basically All Times - September 16, 2003
An Interview with a Monkey - September 01, 2003
I'm Unbelievably Clever - August 31, 2003
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