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A Boring Entry If Ever There Was One
August 27, 2002 @ 10:04 p.m.

Dudes. I sat down to read some of my favorite diaries and not too many people have updated today. So I was like, ok, I'll do something else. So I did something else for a while and then I got bored. I then said to myself, that people were bound to have updated so I checked again and nothing. OK, so maybe I'll check around and look to find some new diaries that I may like. Well, let me tell you, most of the diaries on this damn site suck. I'm not trying to win any friends right now and besides, the people who I know who read this have good diaries. I'm with her about layout snobbishness. So that disqualifies tons of diaries from being good to me right there. Then I hate diaries about anorexia, they are just fucking sad and not in a way that makes me pity people except for being so stoopid. I don't really have any place to go with this. I just want some good diaries to read. I need a fix dammit! I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow, or the next day. I may have to get a life. That, Gentle Reader, is a scary thought.

I have had a pretty good day today though. Oh yeah, I took Greyhound back to Eugene so I could take care of some of my list. Apparently they do random security screenings now before boarding buses. This consists of two security guards rifling through the crap that people pack and waving a metal detecting wand over peoples' bodies. I swear it is the stupidest thing ever. It would be so insanely easy to get anything that they don't allow onto the bus. They only check the people who are getting onto the buses so any well wishers could pass someone something if they wanted to. Or someone could just avoid the screening all together. The only way that it would make any sense is if they did it like in airports. Until they can screen everyone, they shouldn't fucking screen anyone.

The security thing took forever and the bus was really late. They ended up having to have two buses because they had so many riders. The bus driver that I got was a total choad because he had to go back to the station before he got us onto the freeway. It seems he had just bought a two hundred and fifty dollar cell phone that he forgot at the station. He had to tell the entire bus about it as if that were some sort of excuse. Then he got all huffy with everyone when he explained that we weren't really that late afterall, etc. It didn't bother me that we were late, it is Greyhound, it is expected. I just wanted to read my damn book but he kept talking on the bus P.A. system about the same old damn things. Ugh!!!! And that made the passengers get all huffy so there was an argument back and forth between some passengers and the driver.

I just wanted to read.

Oh well.

Star Trek: Voyager is on TV. I didn't really care for it before, but now that it is on TV every night, it is definitely growing on me.

OK, I've finally been occupied by diaryland for a while. Maybe I'll check my favorites now...

PS -- Silly and Jetbot updated. Phew. Also, I have to get up early to go to my stoopid "job."

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Ouch - September 21, 2003
A Full Day - September 21, 2003
I Wear My Sunglasses At Night, and Day, and Basically All Times - September 16, 2003
An Interview with a Monkey - September 01, 2003
I'm Unbelievably Clever - August 31, 2003
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